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KONISHI, Current Fiscal Year Dividend Revised Upward by 5 yen
Izu Shaboten Resort, Current Fiscal Year Dividend Revised Upward by 5 yen
FUSO CHEMICAL, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward by 20%, Dividend Revised Upward by 3 yen
Nikkei 225 close on the 18th = rising, 96 yen higher to 39,270 yen
Immuno-Biological Lab, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward to an Unexpected 44% Increase, Highest in Twenty Two Terms
Trend Micro, 9% Increase in Ordinary Profit, Update Record High for Second Consecutive Term
Prodelight, 3% Increase in Undisclosed Ordinary Profit, Update Record High for Seventh Consecutive Term
Soken Chemical & Engineering, Current Fiscal Year Dividend Revised Upward by 30 yen
SYS Holdings, First Half Ordinary Profit Revised Upward to an Unexpected 7% Increase
ID Holdings, Current Fiscal Year Dividend Revised Upward by 12 yen
Nikkei 225 open on the 18th = 13 yen higher, 39,187 yen
TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA, Last Fiscal Year's Net Income Unexpectedly Turns Profitable, The Current Fiscal Year's Net Income Turns to Loss, Falling into no Dividends
Ascentech, Last Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward by 11%, Exceeded Record Profit Forecast
TOKYO KOKI, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Downward by 66%
SRE Holdings, Current Fiscal Year Dividend Revised to 15 yen
Nikkei 225 close on the 17th = rebound, 24 yen higher to 39,174 yen
PA, 99% Increase in Ordinary Profit for The Current Fiscal Year, Dividend Raised by 1 yen
RAKUMACHI, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward by 4%, Raises Record High Profit Forecast
BRIDGESTONE, Last Fiscal Year's Net Income Unexpectedly Declines, 11% Decrease in Net Income for The Current Fiscal Year, Dividend Raised by 20 yen
JMACS Japan, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Downward to an Unexpected 34% Decrease