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TOPCON, Second Half Dividend Postponed
K.R.S.Corp, Dec-Feb (1Q) Ordinary Profit Decreases by 5%
LeTech, Second Half Dividend Postponed
FIRST BANK TOYAMA, Current Fiscal Year Dividend Revised Upward by 4 yen
Nankai Tatsumura Construction, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward by 13%, Dividend Revised Upward by 2 yen
IVY COSMETICS, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward by 2%
ENEOS, The Current Fiscal Year Net Income Revised Downward by 50%
INES, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Downward by 18%
Medical Ikkou, Last Fiscal Year Net Income Revised Downward by 7%, Dividend Revised Upward by 15 yen
MITACHI , Jun-Feb (Cumulative 3Q) Ordinary Profit Increases by 30%, Dec-Feb Ordinary Profit Increases by 2.3 times
MATSUYA, Last Fiscal Year Dividend Revised Upward by 2 yen
Sumitomo Realty & Development, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward by 1%, Raises Record High Profit Forecast
JUNTENDO, Last Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward to an Unexpected 42% Increase
FaithNetwork, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Upward by 1%, Exceeded Record Profit Forecast
PALEMO HOLDINGS, 2.1 times Increase in Ordinary Profit for The Current Fiscal Year
ERI HOLDINGS, Jun-Feb (Cumulative 3Q) Ordinary Profit Decreases by 38%, Dec-Feb Ordinary Profit Decreases by 49%
FUKUSHIMA PRINTING, First Half Ordinary Profit Loss Narrows, Dec-Feb Ordinary Profit Turns to Profit
Vector HOLDINGS, The Current Fiscal Year Net Income Loss Widened in Downward Revision, 74% Deficit Against Net Assets
SENSHUKAI, The Current Fiscal Year Net Income Turns to Profit, Exceeds Expectations
G-NEXT, The Current Fiscal Year's Net Income to Widen