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REVOLUTION, Ordinary Profit Unexpectedly Turn to Loss for Last Fiscal Year, The Current Fiscal Year's Ordinary Profit Turns to Loss
Veritas In Silico, The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Downward to a Loss
CINC Corp, The Current Fiscal Year's Ordinary Profit Turns to Loss
GLOE, Last Fiscal Year's Ordinary Profit Unexpectedly Turns Profitable, The Current Fiscal Year's Ordinary Profit Turns to Loss
Miroku, Last Fiscal Year Net Income Revised Downward to a Loss, Dividend Revised down by 8 yen
Berg Earth co.,Ltd., Last Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Downward to a Loss
GiG Works Inc., Last Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Downward to a Loss, Dividend Revised down by 4 yen
TIEMCO LTD., The Current Fiscal Year Ordinary Profit Revised Downward to a Loss, Dividend Revised down by 5.5 yen
Wellco Holdings Corporation, Last Fiscal Year Net Income Revised Downward to a Loss