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Nikkei 225 close on the 25th = rebound, 93 yen higher to 39,130 yen
On the 25th, Nikkei Stock Average <^N225> closed 93.58 yen (0.24%) higher from the previous day to 39,130.43 yen. The number of stocks on Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Prime gained was 859, lost was 725, and unchanged was 56.
The top positive contributor was SoftBank Group Corp <9984>, pushing up The Nikkei by 22.10 yen. This was followed by TOYOTA MOTOR <7203> at 21.29 yen, ADVANTEST <6857> at 13.15 yen, FAST RETAILING <9983> at 12.43 yen, 7&i <3382> at 6.46 yen.
KONAMI <9766> was the highest on the list with a negative contribution of 11.18 yen to The Nikkei. Below, DAIICHI SANKYO <4568> was at 5.92 yen, KDDI <9433> was at 4.34 yen, SECOM <9735> was at 2.37 yen, YAMAHA <7951> was at 2.27 yen.
By industry, 19 of the 33 industries gained. Transportation Equipment Sector ranked first, followed by Nonferrous Metals Sector, Iron & Steel Sector, and Mining Sector. Electric Power & Gas Sector, Banks Sector, and Food Products Sector were among the top losers.
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